
About us

Print                               ¶roda, Luty 12, 2025

Introducing – Business to Business for Mutually Better Trade

DTC has been present on the Polish market since 2002 and includes R&D consultants specialized in export – import research and development.

With over 10 years in business, we act as export – import consultants and representatives/ agents for Polish and CEE markets.

We cooperate with a number of domestic and foreign partners.

From year to year our knowledge of market and business links has steadily been growing.

With growing specialization on the world market, building up international relations is absolutely vital. We can assist you, promote and strengthens economic relations with your old and potential new customers and partners.

Mission Statement & Philosophy

To provide quality service, business solutions and market assistance, that exceed the expectations of our customers and to work together with all business partners to continually advance our activity to ensure we meet the future needs of market

“The challenges of tomorrow drive our work today “

Ethics & Confidentiality

We keep each client’s work confidential except when disclosure is specifically permitted.

All documents and discussions in relation to negotiations or cooperation and business transactions are kept confidential.